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- Operates in every Sandwell Ward
- The Black Country sub-region
- Abbey
- Blackheath
- Bristnall
- Charlemont
- Cradley Heath and Old Hill
- Friar Park
- Great Barr with Yew Tree
- Great Bridge
- Greets Green and Lyng
- Hateley Heath
- Langley
- Newton
- Old Warley
- Oldbury
- Princes End
- Rowley
- Smethwick
- Soho and Victoria
- St Pauls
- Tipton Green
- Tividale
- Wednesbury North
- Wednesbury South
- West Bromwich Central
- The West Midlands region
- Multiple regions (more than one region, smaller than England)
- England
Search results for The West Midlands region
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PAPYRUS is a national charity dedicated to prevent young suicide. We run a national helpline, HOPELineUK, including text and email services, staffed by a team of mental health professionals who provide practical help and advice to vulnerable young people and to those concerned about any young person who may be at risk of suicide. PAPYRUS offers a range of training sessions aimed at raising awareness of the prevalence of young suicide. We teach skills to people from all walks of life in how to recognise a young person at risk of suicide and in how to provide immediate and effective help. Our training is designed to equip participants with the skills, awareness and confidence to help prevent young suicide. PAPYRUS also delivers talks and awareness-raising sessions in schools, colleges, universities, community groups, prisons and other networks. These sessions are aimed at young people at risk and those who care for or work with them to help reduce the stigma surrounding suicide and encourage young people to be suicide-safe.
POhWER Advocacy
POhWER has worked in Sandwell since 2006. Last year we provided advocacy support to 277 Sandwell residents. Our services include: NHS Complaints Advocacy for people who wish to make a complaint about treatment provided under the NHS Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and Relevant Person's Paid Representative (RPPR) service is a statutory advocacy service to support vulnerable people who lack capacity and need to make important decisions but have no representatives as defined under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA). Anyone who is detained in a secure Mental Health setting in Sandwell is entitled to access support from an IMHA. This contract also provides an issue based advocacy service for informal inpatients of Sandwell (Hallam St) Hospital via drop ins. Community Advocacy for any person in Sandwell receiving a care/welfare services who has age-related needs, disabilities or prescribed physical or mental health conditions. Care Act Advocacy whereby Local Authority social care teams (and designated organisations) can make a referral to our service for you using the referral form. Volunteering in Sandwell. If you would like to apply all you need to do is fill in the online at and a member of our volunteer team will contact you to talk to you in more detail about local volunteer opportunities in your area.
Polish Expats Association
PEA transforms society by empowering Polish community in the UK. We equip Polish people in skills and knowledge necessary to integrate and at the same time to live their lives fully, with dignity and pride in their identity. We also work to promote Polish culture and heritage, while supporting community cohesion. PEA’s vision is of a society in which every person feels included and fully exercises his/her rights while sustaining his/her own particular culture and heritage.
Priory Family Centre CIC
We deliver early years provision, adult learning and employment projects designed to help unemployed people find work. Breaking Bread, a catering business supplying food to primary schools and buffets to the public and private sectors, has recently launched a food bank supplying people in crisis with free food. Breaking bread is part of the Priory Family Centre Group.
RNID aims to support UK\'s 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people by breaking down barriers to opportunity and fulfilment. Our vision is \'A world where deafness or hearing loss do not limit or determine opportunity and where people value their hearing'. Our activities revolve around three strategic themes: ensuring the rights and opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people to lead a full life:promoting hearing health, preventing hearing loss, curing deafness: removing the stigma of deafness. RNID supports its beneficiary group in a number of ways, for example: campaigning and lobbying to change the laws and government policies: providing information and raising awareness of deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus: training courses and consultancy on deafness and disability: communication services including sign language interpreters, lip-speakers, speech-to-text operators: training of interpreters and speech-to-text operators: seeking lasting change in education for deaf children and young people: employment programmes to help deaf people into work: residential and community services for deaf people with special needs: typetalk, the national telephone relay service for deaf and hard of hearing people: equipment and products for deaf and hard of hearing people: social, medical and technical research. RNID has 97 years experience of supporting deaf and hard of hearing people throughout the UK.
Safe and Settled
Safe and settled Ltd is an independent Social Enterprise, comprised of experienced professionals. Our aim is to support people, thier families and friends to find soluttions and make the best of decisions possile when they are considering care support. We also operate a volunteer Community Connections project, funded by the National Lottery, working with older volunteers to help them to support others in accessing social care services.
This organisation is dormant.
SAFS provide a range of quality care, support services and opportunities to enable South Asian children, young people and adults with disabilities, life limiting or life threatening conditions, and their families, to enhance their quality of life.
Sampad South Asian Arts
Sampad connects people and communities with British Asian arts and heritage and plays an active role in the creative economy. It does this through high-quality performances and education programmes that people of all ages and backgrounds can take part in.
Sandwell Confederation of Indians
Sandwell Confederation of Indians is a voluntary umbrella organisation. We follow an holistic approach, thus we identify and look after every aspect of the community's needs, for example: health, education, leisure & environment. We help tackle local issues and Sandwell borough wide. Our projects also identify needs to serve the disadvantaged communities in Sandwell. To increase the average life expectancy of people in Sandwell and improve their lifestyle. We help everyone, including black & ethnic minority communities. To help promote community cohesion, racial harmony, tackle social exclusion (especially BME groups, young, men, eldery and women) improve health and trying to empower the community and increase community involvement.
Sandwell Welfare Trust
Sandwell Welfare Trust is relatively new organisation started last Jan 2006. It aims to support and empower deprived members of ethnic minority groups ,particularly the Bangladeshi community, to allow them equal access to mainstream opportunities by advice and counselling, relief of sickness and distress, advancement of education, skills training, family workshop, music and drama workshops etc.
This organisation is dormant.