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Search results for Cradley Heath and Old Hill


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  • Sandwell United Football Club

    The group has been set up to provide leisure time activities for young people from the West Midlands, initially those from West Bromwich in Sandwell. The group offers opportunities for both coaching and playing of football and other sports, enabling participants to develop physically and emotianally and to attain full maturity as individuals and members of society.

  • Sandwell University of the Third Age

    Eight active interest groups which provide social, leisure and educational facilities that enable older people in Sandwell to live creative and fulfilled lives.

  • Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI)

    Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI) is a voluntary self help organisation consulting with the council and other service providers to improve the lives of all visually impaired people living or working in Sandwell. Additionally we seek to limit isolation of the visually impaired community by encouraging social interaction, presently with the production of a quarterly newsletter, invites to quarterly speaker led / social meetings; and a fully accessible website of information on visual impairment issues, social enterprise training in visual impairment awareness and consultation.

  • Sandwell Welfare Trust

    Sandwell Welfare Trust is relatively new organisation started last Jan 2006. It aims to support and empower deprived members of ethnic minority groups ,particularly the Bangladeshi community, to allow them equal access to mainstream opportunities by advice and counselling, relief of sickness and distress, advancement of education, skills training, family workshop, music and drama workshops etc.

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Sandwell Young Carers

    Registered Charity set up to identify & support young carers aged 5 -18 yrs. Whose education, health & social lives are affected by caring for a dependant family member. We provide one to one & group support, youth & play clubs, offsites & residentials.

  • Sant Nirankari Mandal

    Sant Nirankari Mission is an international spiritual movement dedicated to creating peace and unity. It undertakes numerous initiatives in order to achieve its aims including much charitable work, inviting all its members to take part. Its members undertake walks, sports days, blood donation drives, fun runs, hold youth conferences, music, yoga are part of the activities.

  • Sehej Anand

    A reformist Sikh organisation aiming to enrich individuals with the universal Sikh message of empowerment for all and the uplifting of the whole of society. In particular, we promote the hollistic nature of Sikhi, focussing on greater environmental and \'green\' awareness among Sikh sangats ethical, fair-trade and responsible business, worship through work, the power of seva and simran and creative arts. We strive to be inclusive of the diversity of people indentifying as Sikh, to enrich, welcome, inspire and uplift them, so they may fulfill their potential as a Sikh, but also share their blessings and talents for the improvement of global society.

  • Sense - Community Support Service

    National Deafblind Charity Provides residential and day service care for people with sensory impairments and associated disabilities

  • Sequence Dance

    Sequence dance group

  • Shiloh Community Centre (SCC)

    This is a newly constituted organisation set up to improve residents awareness by providing an accessible equipped building with timetabled sessions aimed at recreation, health awareness, education, and youth support as well as offering facilities to local community organisations to develop their own services.


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