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Sehej Anand

A reformist Sikh organisation aiming to enrich individuals with the universal Sikh message of empowerment for all and the uplifting of the whole of society. In particular, we promote the hollistic nature of Sikhi, focussing on greater environmental and \'green\' awareness among Sikh sangats ethical, fair-trade and responsible business, worship through work, the power of seva and simran and creative arts.
We strive to be inclusive of the diversity of people indentifying as Sikh, to enrich, welcome, inspire and uplift them, so they may fulfill their potential as a Sikh, but also share their blessings and talents for the improvement of global society.

Address details

31 Hunstanton Avenue Harborne
Postal Town
B17 8SX

Organisation Contact Details

07789 221379

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Parminder S Garcha


  • Arts, culture, sport and recreation
  • Economic, social and community development
  • Education and research
  • Religion

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People who have sensory disabilities (sight, hearing, etc)
    • People who have physical disabilities (excluding sensory disabilities)
    • People who have mental health problems
    • People who have learning disabilities
    • People who have terminal illnesses
    • People who have specific medical conditions/diseases
    • People who are homeless/in housing need
    • People who are unemployed
    • People who are in financial need
    • People who are bereaved
    • People who have substance abuse/addiction problems (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc)
    • People who are asylum seekers/refugees
    • People who are offenders/ex-offenders
    • People who are victims/survivors of physical/sexual/emotional violence
    • People who are victims/survivors of crime
    • People who are carers
  • Sexual Orientation Focus

    • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people
  • Household

    • Households without children
  • Gender Focus

    • All genders
  • Ethnic Focus

    • People from all ethnic groups
    • All Black or Black British people (including Caribbean, African and any other Black background)
    • All Asian or Asian British people (including Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other Asian background)
  • Age Focus

    • People of all ages

Organisation last updated: Thu, 22nd April 2010

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