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Search results for West Bromwich Central


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  • Ileys Community Association

    Ileys Community Association was established in 2007 by a group of local people with different educational and professional backgrounds. Ileys is a non profit organisation that provides the children, youth and families of black minority with a full range of human service from advice to leisure.

  • Jerusalem Ministries

    Our organisation has existed 2 years now, offers faith group, family, youth programme, adult learning and more.

  • Jubilee Park Kickboxing Club

    Martial Art Group.

  • Jubilee Rangers

    Football team for young people ages 16-25 years old

  • Just Call 4 Care Services

    Not for profit domicilary care agency.

  • Kingfisher Club

    Club for the disabled, run by the disabled

  • Krunch UK

    Krunch is a voluntary sector youth organisation based in Langley, Sandwell. It was established in September 1998. Working with local churches and schools, we provide:-alternative education - personal development: programme flor 14-19 year olds: a church interactive package - supporting local churches: in engaging with young people.

  • Landau Ltd

    Landau is a supported employment and work-related training organisation that aims to provide people with learning disabilities or long-term health issues,the long-term unemployed, and young people, with the skills and support they need to find sustainable employment. A registered charity, we are committed to ensuring that every person with a learning disability has the opportunity to work. Through our highly trained staff, it is Landau's aim to to provide individuals aged 14 to 64, whatever their learning or educational ability, with high quality support that enables them to overcome obstacles and fulfil their potential in society. We provide tailored Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) to support individuals, helping them to make informed decisions on their future. Our comprehensive range of training programmes can provide people with the skills they need to fulfil their potential. Ranging from 1 day to 26 week course, our course materials are designed to meet a wide and diverse range of learning styles. While our Young People's Services offers creative opportunities for young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) to reconsider the revise thir long term aims and ambitions.

  • Leabrook Methodist Church

    Methodist Church which has community church hall.

  • Life Charity

    Providing supported housing and counselling and support for pregnancy and all related issues.


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