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Search results for West Bromwich Central


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  • 1st West Bromwich Rangers

    Wesley Methodist Church, High Street, West Bromwich. For ages 14 - 18 years. We meet on Fridays 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm. Guider Mrs Jenny Adams-Barrett

  • 20th Walsall (St Margaret's) Scout Group

    Part of the world wide Scout Association. This is a multi-ethnic organisation staffed by volunteers catering for youths of both sexes aged 6 - 19 (and if you are a leader or volunteer until you are 66). We are moving to our new base at Great Barr Community Hub in September 2010. This is a new building paid for by Big Lottery Grant under the Community Building Fund. The Scout Group won this grant 2 years ago and is open for bookings from any voluntary sector group or charitable organisation subject to be acted by the Great Barr Community Hub Management Group

  • 30th West Bromwich Senior Section

    St James Church, Hill Top, West Bromwich. For agers 14 - 18 years. We meet on Wednesdays. Guider Mrs Brenda Cadman

  • 38th West Bromwich Brownies

    West Bromwich Baptist Church, Tantany Lane, West Bromwich. For ages 7 - 10 years. We meet on Thursday 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm. Guider Miss Beverley Howard

  • 38th West Bromwich Rangers

    Meet at Baptist Church, Tantany Lane, West Bromwich on Thursday 6.30 pm until 8.00 pm. Guider Miss Sheridan Powell. For ages 14 - 18 years

  • 4th West Bromwich Anchor Boys

    Boys Brigade at St Andrews Church, Dudley Street, Carters Green, West Bromwich. For ages 5 - 8 years We meet on Tuesdays 6.00 - 7.30 pm

  • 4th West Bromwich Boy's Brigade & Girls Association

    Christian Organisation for children & young people age 5 - 16 Providing various sports activities, crafts physical, spiritual & community activities etc

  • 4th West Bromwich Brownies

    Wesley Methodist Church, High Street, West Bromwich. For ages 7 - 10 years. We meet on Thursday 5.45 - 7.15 pm. Guider Mrs Dawn Davey

  • 4th West Bromwich Company Section

    Boys Brigade at St Andrews Church, Dudley Street, Carters Green, West Bromwich. For ages 11 - 15 years. We meet on Mondays 6.45 - 8.15 pm

  • 4th West Bromwich Junior Section

    Boys Brigade at St Andrews Church, Dudley Street, Carters Green, West Bromwich. For ages 8 - 11 years. We meet on Mondays 6.45 - 8.15 pm

    This organisation is dormant.


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