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Search results for Tipton Green


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  • Sampad South Asian Arts

    Sampad connects people and communities with British Asian arts and heritage and plays an active role in the creative economy. It does this through high-quality performances and education programmes that people of all ages and backgrounds can take part in.

  • Sandwell Advocacy

    Sandwell Advocacy is an independent advocacy organisation set up to safeguard the needs, rights and wishes of marginalised and/or vulnerable individuals throughout Sandwell. We are currently supporting children and young people (5-18 years of age) who provide regular or on-going care and emotional support to a family member. We define a young carer not by the amount of time spent caring but by the impact it has on their life. This could involve a family member or individual who may be affected by a physical impairment/learning difficulty, mental health condition, drug and alcohol addiction and any other long term illness or condition. Sandwell Advocacy works with the Young Carer and their families where it is identified that children and young people are experiencing issues associated with their caring responsibilities. We provide an integrated package of support that includes crisis intervention and long term advocacy provision. We offer support that works within a person centred, but family orientated approach working with all those within the home. An allocated Young Carers Advocate will provide one-to-one support to the young carer and their family, the advocacy support provided is tailored to the individuals needs, they have full control over their advocacy pathway. We accept referrals from all individuals and groups e.g. Self, Agency and Third Party.

  • Sandwell African Women Association (SAWA)

    SAWA was set up to provide advice, support and training to disadvantaged African Women refugees and children from Sandwell. The group has four main programmes: Advice and Support, Community Development, Health Advocacy and Refugees and Migrants Forum.

  • Sandwell Community Information and Participation Service (SCIPS)

    SCIPS provide support, information, training and advocacy to tenants, residents and community groups in Sandwell.

  • Sandwell Confederation of Indians

    Sandwell Confederation of Indians is a voluntary umbrella organisation. We follow an holistic approach, thus we identify and look after every aspect of the community's needs, for example: health, education, leisure & environment. We help tackle local issues and Sandwell borough wide. Our projects also identify needs to serve the disadvantaged communities in Sandwell. To increase the average life expectancy of people in Sandwell and improve their lifestyle. We help everyone, including black & ethnic minority communities. To help promote community cohesion, racial harmony, tackle social exclusion (especially BME groups, young, men, eldery and women) improve health and trying to empower the community and increase community involvement.

  • Sandwell Irish Community Association

    We have now opened the resource centre in Langley High Street and will be providing varying services to the community including chiropody, gaelic language lesson, benefit entitlement advice, raising health awareness and health promotion

  • Sandwell Irish Society

    Sandwell Irish Society is a registered charity that works to achieve a vibrant Irish community in Sandwell and the surrounding area, one that is engaged and empowered to play an active role in society by ensuring that people have the chance to contribute their views, articulate their needs and have an impact on policy and practice. It aims to achieve this by improving the confidence, health awareness and image of the community and by ensuring that the contribution of people of Irish birth and descent, over many years, to the economic, social, cultural and historic richness of the area is recognized and acknowledged. It works with statutory and voluntary organisations to develop activities and services in response to needs identified. It organises social, cultural, information and health events which inform people, combat isolation and engage the community.

  • Sandwell University of the Third Age

    Eight active interest groups which provide social, leisure and educational facilities that enable older people in Sandwell to live creative and fulfilled lives.

  • Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI)

    Sandwell Visually Impaired (SVI) is a voluntary self help organisation consulting with the council and other service providers to improve the lives of all visually impaired people living or working in Sandwell. Additionally we seek to limit isolation of the visually impaired community by encouraging social interaction, presently with the production of a quarterly newsletter, invites to quarterly speaker led / social meetings; and a fully accessible website of information on visual impairment issues, social enterprise training in visual impairment awareness and consultation.

  • Sandwell Welfare Trust

    Sandwell Welfare Trust is relatively new organisation started last Jan 2006. It aims to support and empower deprived members of ethnic minority groups ,particularly the Bangladeshi community, to allow them equal access to mainstream opportunities by advice and counselling, relief of sickness and distress, advancement of education, skills training, family workshop, music and drama workshops etc.

    This organisation is dormant.


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