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Search results for Tipton Green


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  • SAFS

    SAFS provide a range of quality care, support services and opportunities to enable South Asian children, young people and adults with disabilities, life limiting or life threatening conditions, and their families, to enhance their quality of life.

  • Saint John's Scout Group

    Uniformed - youth organisation for boys and girls. Beaver Scouts - children aged 6 - 8 years old Cub Scouts - children aged 8 - 10 1/2 years old Scouts - young people aged 10 1/2 - 14years old

  • Salvation Army Cradley Heath

    Place of worship and community centre.

  • Salvation Army Oldbury Corps

    The Salvation Army is an international Christian church working in 117 countries worldwide. As a registered chartiy, the Salvation Army demonstrates its Christian principles through social action and is one of the largest, most diverse providers of social welfare in the world.

  • Sampad South Asian Arts

    Sampad connects people and communities with British Asian arts and heritage and plays an active role in the creative economy. It does this through high-quality performances and education programmes that people of all ages and backgrounds can take part in.

  • Sandwell Active Independent Blind Association (SAIBA)

    A small self help group run by and for visually impaired people. We were amongst the first user led organisation in the country. We have a membership of approximately 50 people. Our aim is to provide leisure and social support and activities to visually impaired people, their families and friends.

  • Sandwell Advocacy

    Sandwell Advocacy is an independent advocacy organisation set up to safeguard the needs, rights and wishes of marginalised and/or vulnerable individuals throughout Sandwell. We are currently supporting children and young people (5-18 years of age) who provide regular or on-going care and emotional support to a family member. We define a young carer not by the amount of time spent caring but by the impact it has on their life. This could involve a family member or individual who may be affected by a physical impairment/learning difficulty, mental health condition, drug and alcohol addiction and any other long term illness or condition. Sandwell Advocacy works with the Young Carer and their families where it is identified that children and young people are experiencing issues associated with their caring responsibilities. We provide an integrated package of support that includes crisis intervention and long term advocacy provision. We offer support that works within a person centred, but family orientated approach working with all those within the home. An allocated Young Carers Advocate will provide one-to-one support to the young carer and their family, the advocacy support provided is tailored to the individuals needs, they have full control over their advocacy pathway. We accept referrals from all individuals and groups e.g. Self, Agency and Third Party.

  • Sandwell African Caribbean Development Agency (S.A.C.D.A)

    The main areas of activity are: Enterprise Training & Support Training - ESOL, Basic Computer Training Community Radio Broadcast linked to the provision of training in radio presenters course. Free on site creche facilities to enable clients to access training and employment opportunities at SACDA

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation (Kuumba Foundation)

    Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation (SACMHF) The organisation is designed to cater for the needs of African Caribbean adults experiencing and / or recovering from mental ill health.

  • Sandwell African Women Association (SAWA)

    SAWA was set up to provide advice, support and training to disadvantaged African Women refugees and children from Sandwell. The group has four main programmes: Advice and Support, Community Development, Health Advocacy and Refugees and Migrants Forum.


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