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Search results for The West Midlands region


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  • Jubilee Rangers

    Football team for young people ages 16-25 years old

  • Just Call 4 Care Services

    Not for profit domicilary care agency.

  • Karu Kyoshi Kan Judo Club (3 K's)

    The judo club is a sports club run and organised by volunteers. Although its main focus is the sport of judo it also teaches etiquette and respect to each other, it is about winning and losing with dignity. The club is open for everyone; we have never bared anyone from becoming a member. We are a community club that provides other activities; such as just visits to other areas within the UK and also foreign countries and we also invite other countries to visit our judo club, this helps our members to take in other peoples cultures. We also provide activities for children in their holidays from school and we also provide judo coaches to teach in other holiday activity centres.

  • Langley Band

    Brass band

  • Leabrook Methodist Church

    Methodist Church which has community church hall.

  • Legacy West Midlands

    Legacy WM was formed by a group of people with an interest in recording the heritage of post war migrant communities. The initial projects of Legacy were looking at 'Bangla Food Journeys' and setting up a heritage trail in Lozells and East Handsworth.

  • Multistory

    Multistory's mission is 'art celebrating lives'. We work with people to create experiences that are: empowering, diverse, rooted, curious, social, excellent, accessible. Multistory works with the people of Sandwell to make art that reflects their lives. We aim to be nationally recognised for our work so that we can attract brilliant artists to come and work with us. We aim to create work that everyone will want to see, be part of and talk about. Our work is focused on the development of participatory arts projects designed to tackle a wide range of social issues that bring communities and artists together. We have a strong record of delivering projects with partners that enable them to engage people, through participation in the arts, in wider social and cultural issues, such as: housing, community cohesion, health, education, regeneration.

  • Nash Dom CIC

    Nash Dom is a non-profit community interest company, established in May 2010. The organisation is foremost a coalition of Eastern European communities that strives for inclusiveness and integration within its own communities as well as with the wider society, in and around the West Midlands. Nash Dom finds itself active in community advice as well as other areas such as culture, sports and education. This provides plenty of opportunity for the engagement of stakeholders such as the local council, police, the NHS and other migrant communities. More importantly it allowes newcomers to become valuable members of society who are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Over the last year Nash Dom CIC has identified the need to have a multilingual advice center, to help newly arrived and existing communities understand the local regulations and law in the following areas: Drop-in sessions West Midlands Police NHS Local authorities and services providers. Fire Services Supporting other public and private sectors To improve their communications, mutual understanding and knowledge of the needs of our members and service provides.

  • National Osteoporosis Society Birmingham Area Group

    Voluntary Support Group part of National Charity information:- Offering Information and Advice Meetings with Expert Speakers Weekly Exercise Classes

  • Ne Kongo West Midlands

    Ne Kongo West Midlands is a community association which aim to contribute to the integral welfare of Ne Kongo people who have chosen to settle in West Midlands, throughout the following objects: 1. To help one another in conformity with the pattern of Congolese values. 2. To promote the Ne Kongo culture pride, in encouraging members to get to refer to positives values inherited from their ancestors. 3. To broaden members’ knowledge in connection with the Kongo Kingdom History, and also to update the Ne Kongo community’s mind about the currents events occurring among the Ne Kongo people in Africa and around the world. 4. To set up some reception facility so as to help any Ne Kongo new comer in the West Midlands to face smoothly his integration. 5. To carry out concrete actions that work towards the integral development of the inhabitants of the district area of Bas-Congo in particular and of the Democratic Republic of Congo in general.


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