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Search results for Smethwick


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  • West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre

    Provides services primarily for the African-Caribbean community across the Borough. Services provided include :- Meals on Wheels, day care for the elderly, links with employment services, Saturday School and Health Education project including support for children and families experiencing difficulties in relation to school exclusion. Homecare and domestic care provider

  • Your Helping Hands

    To further such charitable purposes for the benefit of the public within (the "area of benefit ") as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular but not exclusively by; ( a) Advancing in life and helping young people by providing them with support and activities which develop their skills, Capacities and capabilities to enable them to partcipate in society as mature and responsible individuals. (b) Relieving poverty and relieving those in need , hardship or distress, of health inequalities; (c) The relief of unemployment; and the advancement of education; (d) The Promotion of Civic responsibility and good citizenship.


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