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Search results for Rowley


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  • River of Life Ministry

    Church group.

  • Riverstones Foundation

    The relief of sickness and/or the relief of poverty, hardship and distress among women at risk of violence generally, among persons who are victims of social deprivation and crime or are at risk of offending and among persons at risk from alcohol/drug addiction or other substance abuse by the provision of : support, free medical advise, counselling, mentoring and where appropriate, shelter and facilities for rehabilitation. The object of the organisation is to alleviate social ills affecting the community through programmes providing care and self-empowering skills.

  • RNID

    RNID aims to support UK\'s 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people by breaking down barriers to opportunity and fulfilment. Our vision is \'A world where deafness or hearing loss do not limit or determine opportunity and where people value their hearing'. Our activities revolve around three strategic themes: ensuring the rights and opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people to lead a full life:promoting hearing health, preventing hearing loss, curing deafness: removing the stigma of deafness. RNID supports its beneficiary group in a number of ways, for example: campaigning and lobbying to change the laws and government policies: providing information and raising awareness of deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus: training courses and consultancy on deafness and disability: communication services including sign language interpreters, lip-speakers, speech-to-text operators: training of interpreters and speech-to-text operators: seeking lasting change in education for deaf children and young people: employment programmes to help deaf people into work: residential and community services for deaf people with special needs: typetalk, the national telephone relay service for deaf and hard of hearing people: equipment and products for deaf and hard of hearing people: social, medical and technical research. RNID has 97 years experience of supporting deaf and hard of hearing people throughout the UK.

  • Roundsgreen Methodist Church

    Local Church providing the following services: Sunday Service OAP Club (Tuesdays am) Wednesday evening Fellowship

  • Rowley Regis Disability Centre

    Rowley Regis Disability Centre, this is a small independent centre, which was set up over 40 years ago as a meeting place for local disabled people. It is currently the place where one disabled group (the owners of the centre) meet every Wednesday evening. Although the centre itself has a number of other uses at different times.

  • Royal British Legion

    X Serviceman's Club

  • Royal National Lifeboat Institution / West Bromwich & Wednesbury Branch

    Objective 'To save lives at sea' The local branch objectives are Fundraising - to raise funds for saving life at sea Safety - to promote water safety awareness locally and nationally Young people - to promote water safety programme with schools Groups - to provide video presentation and awareness evenings and shows (winter only)

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Royal Naval Association

    Recreational service for ex-servicemen and associates with like minded values.

  • Royal Premiaires

    We train children aged 4 - 54 to combine playing musical instruments and marching. We attend carnivals, private bookings and enter competitions. Marching numbers 16+ Practice 2 - 3 times per week. Monday Joseph Leckie School, Wed / Sun Yew Tree Social Club Committee of 8

  • RSPB Sandwell Valley

    RSPB Sandwell Valley nature reserve is a wonderful urban green space in the heart of Birmingham and the Black Country. The reserve is managed to provide a home for a variety of wildlife, from nesting birds to fluttering butterflies, and to give people the opportunity to connect to nature. The visitor centre has lovely views over the valley, and there are a variety of trails to take visitors past colourful meadows, lush woodland and the peaceful lake. The reserve team hold a regular programme of event for adults and families. RSPB Sandwell Valley is part of the RSPB, the country’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home.


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