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Search results for Oldbury


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  • Sandwell Irish Society

    Sandwell Irish Society is a registered charity that works to achieve a vibrant Irish community in Sandwell and the surrounding area, one that is engaged and empowered to play an active role in society by ensuring that people have the chance to contribute their views, articulate their needs and have an impact on policy and practice. It aims to achieve this by improving the confidence, health awareness and image of the community and by ensuring that the contribution of people of Irish birth and descent, over many years, to the economic, social, cultural and historic richness of the area is recognized and acknowledged. It works with statutory and voluntary organisations to develop activities and services in response to needs identified. It organises social, cultural, information and health events which inform people, combat isolation and engage the community.

  • The Hindu Initiative for Global Harmony

    This institution serves as a place of preservation of the ancient traditions and cultural practices that come down as a time honoured heritge. It has been built up to serve as a model of many-sided, altruistic activity, an ideal to copy, intended to bring about a complete unfoldment of the human personality, and to reveal the essential blending together of all sides of human nature.

  • West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre

    Provides services primarily for the African-Caribbean community across the Borough. Services provided include :- Meals on Wheels, day care for the elderly, links with employment services, Saturday School and Health Education project including support for children and families experiencing difficulties in relation to school exclusion. Homecare and domestic care provider


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