Browse by local area / wards

To browse a range of voluntary & community organisations in a specific area / ward use the links below.

Search results for Multiple regions (more than one region, smaller than England)


  • Centrepoint Christian Church & Support Centre

    Projects and Programmes include: Information, Advice and Guidance, Welfare Rights, Community Outreach Project, Skills and Employment, Street Outreach Team, Performing Arts Department, Education & Training, Young People Services, Schools Work, Health and Wellbeing, Volunteering, Immigration and Nationality, Community Services and Development Initiatives. The Opening Times are: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - 10 am to 4 pm Wednesday - 10 am to 1 pm Friday - closed Saturday - closed Sunday - Celebration Service at 10.45 am

  • Trident Reach the People Charity

    A social investing charity providing care and support services to vulnerable children and adults across the Midlands

  • UK Islamic Mission

    UKIM is a national organisation, having its about 40 branches in various cities of the U.K. Most of its work is serving the community. It has its own constitution and website.
