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Search results for Hateley Heath


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  • BUDS - Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell

    BUDS’ target audience is predominantly people living with dementia and their carers and families. However, BUDS has extended some of its services to people over the age of 65 who are experiencing isolation due to the pandemic. The organisation currently telephones their client group weekly. During these phone calls, vaccination is discussed. Clients are asked if they have received the vaccine, whether they been contacted or are there any reasons why they may not get the vaccine and if BUDS can help. The charity is also in contact with a separate group of carers through their Carer and Family Support Service to make the same enquiries. Information has been passed on to Carers about the recent change in in guidelines that has prioritised carers for the vaccine. For clients unable to leave the house, support is being provided by contacting GPs to find out how and when their vaccine will be administered. Support is also being provided to families around the issue of mental capacity and consent to the vaccine which affects some people living with dementia. BUDS put regular posts on their Facebook page encouraging people to take up the vaccine and be proactive if they have not been yet contacted.

  • Centre for Equality & Diversity

    To be a leading agency in changing attitudes, challenging inequalities, influencing policy and building partnerships to bring about a fairer society. Our vision is of communities where all people are recognised as having a valid contribution to make towards the creation of a fairer society. Our Strategic Opjectives are:- 1. To build the skills and capacity of communities of interest, empowering them to actively engage in decision making processes and develop confidence in supporting their own communities. 2. To develop partnerships which span sectors to improve services to communities of interest. 3. To work towards the creation of a one stop shop for equality, diversity and human rights, where the organisation can be a hub for centres of excellence in all that we do. 4. To develop and maintain a robust infrastructure, enabling us to achieve our mission and create a stable financial base.

  • Centrepoint Christian Church & Support Centre

    Projects and Programmes include: Information, Advice and Guidance, Welfare Rights, Community Outreach Project, Skills and Employment, Street Outreach Team, Performing Arts Department, Education & Training, Young People Services, Schools Work, Health and Wellbeing, Volunteering, Immigration and Nationality, Community Services and Development Initiatives. The Opening Times are: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - 10 am to 4 pm Wednesday - 10 am to 1 pm Friday - closed Saturday - closed Sunday - Celebration Service at 10.45 am

  • Community Resource Information Service

    CRIS was established in 1980 to be a demand-led resource to serve the communities of West Midlands. We work at a grassroots level supporting diverse and disadvantaged communities and individuals to bring about positive change. CRIS is about building community cohesion by bringing people together around shared common interests to enable them to have a voice in the decision-making processes that directly affect their lives. CRIS provides capacity building training including leadership skills, organisational management and development, fundraising and financial management, auditing services as well as personal development and employment services. We also undertake research and organise conferences and events on issues of importance for the communities we work with. CRIS also works intensively with migrant and refugee communities to facilitate their integration with wider community and enable their grass-roots organisations to become efficient and sustainable.

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Confederation of Bangladeshi Organisations (CBO)

    CBO is an umbrella forum organisation and the overall vision is to improve the quality of life for all Bangladeshi and other BME groups living and working in the Sandwell Borough. Our aims include: promoting positive pathways into inclusion through an innovative intervention in education, training, learning & employment support, assist the implementation of anti poverty strategy which seals with most excluded individuals in the community through developing and expanding counselling, advocacy and support services for Bangladeshi in Sandwell. Development of a more transparent culture so that community development can be shared within a style of openness and trust, building new partnerships credibility in the communities and the agencies, increasing community pride and individual self confidence through skills development and managing local facilities, development and implementation of a range of community involvement and empowerment strategies to encourage the particiapation of the Bangladeshi community, especially those groups which are most excluded and/or hard to reach e.g. women, young people and elderly.

  • Dorcas Housing

    We provide community based support projects. African Caribbean Health Improvement Service is a project managed by Dorcas Housing that works with the African Caribbean Communities of Sandwell on issues related to heath. The project aim is 'to develop community health initatives which aim to empower and support the African Caribbean communities in Sandwell'

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Durham Association of Residents and Tenants (DART)

    We cover the whole of Durham Estate and have a committee of 8 - 10

  • Dynamics Community Arts cic

    Community and Public Arts organisation.

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Eurasia Educational Society

    Educational organization, runs 5 supplementary schools. The organization also offers capacity building courses based on funding, counselling, causal gatherings for adults

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Friar Park Millennium Centre

    Friar Park Community Centre provides activities for young people such as youth club,sports activities and dance. There are leisure facilities for retired/vulnerable people, along with dancing, bingo clubs, etc. There is venue hire (function hall, meeting rooms, soft play room etc.) and catering is available as part of room hire, if required. The community centre is generally open from 9 am to 8.30 pm.


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