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New Horizons Fellowship For Disabled - Handicapped

To entertain and provide a better life for the handicapped.

Meetings are held at Hallam Methodist Church, Hallam Street, West Bromwich
Friday evenings 6.30 to 9 pm.

Committe of 12

Address details

35 Kelvin Way
Postal Town
West Bromwich
B70 7LJ

Organisation Contact Details

0121 532 7182
Charity Commission registration number

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Mr Horace J Pearce
0121 532 7182


  • Arts, culture, sport and recreation
  • Transport

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People who have physical disabilities (excluding sensory disabilities)
    • People who have sensory disabilities (sight, hearing, etc)
    • People who have terminal illnesses
    • People who have learning disabilities
    • People who are bereaved
    • People who are victims/survivors of physical/sexual/emotional violence
  • Specific Faith Focus

    • Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominations)
  • Sexual Orientation Focus

    • People of all sexual orientations
  • Household

    • All households
  • Gender Focus

    • All genders
  • Ethnic Focus

    • All White people (including White British, White Irish, and any other White background)
  • Age Focus

    • Adults aged 26-64 years
    • Older people aged 65 years and over

Organisation last updated: Tue, 11th August 2015

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