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Beat it Percussion

Beat It Percussion CIC is a small Community Interest Company founded in 2013. The aim of Beat It is to bring hands-on drumming activities to people in the community, particularly those living with disadvantage or disability. Through the interactive nature of our work people are not just being entertained, but are experiencing real, measurable benefits in their well-being as well as doing something active and great fun.

We do a lot of work with older people and those who are living with dementia. Special Schools and groups of people with learning disabilities are also great environments for our work. Recently we have begun working with young adults who have autism. In addition we work with staff teams and community groups who are looking for an enrichment activity that involves people working creatively together and not rolling in mud and shooting each other!

In March 2016 Beat It Percussion in partnership with local Community Group, A Different Beat, won the Big Lottery People’s Projects Award, after a regional TV and media campaign. We are tremendously pleased to have achieved this with the support of all the people who voted for us. This means that we can now develop our new project, Drumming Together for Dementia, where we will hold regular drop-in sessions for people who are living with dementia and their carers to come and enjoy making new friends and use drumming to communicate and relieve some of the stresses of everyday life.

Address details

Wednesbury Library Walsall Street
Postal Town
WS10 9EH

Organisation Contact Details

07875 090 946

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Lynn Kay


  • Arts, culture, sport and recreation
  • Economic, social and community development
  • Education and research
  • Health
  • Voluntary and community organisations

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People of all specific circumstances
    • People who have disabilities (unspecified)
    • People who are housebound
    • People who have physical disabilities (excluding sensory disabilities)
    • People who have sensory disabilities (sight, hearing, etc)
    • People who have mental health problems
    • People who have terminal illnesses
    • People who have learning disabilities
    • People who have specific medical conditions/diseases
    • People who are socially excluded/isolated/lonely
    • People who are homeless/in housing need
    • People who are unemployed
    • People who are in financial need
    • People who are at risk or vulnerable
    • People who are bereaved
    • People who are leaving care/long-stay institutions (excluding prisons)
    • People who have substance abuse/addiction problems (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc)
    • People who are asylum seekers/refugees
    • People who are offenders/ex-offenders
    • People who are Travellers
    • People who are victims/survivors of physical/sexual/emotional violence
    • People who are victims/survivors of crime
    • People who are students
    • People who are victims/survivors of man-made and natural disasters (war, famine, floods, fires, etc)
    • People who are carers
    • People who are service/ex-service personnel
    • People who are from specific occupational/professional/trade groups
    • Other
  • Specific Faith Focus

    • People from all faiths / multi-faith / inter-faith people
    • Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominations)
    • Jewish
    • Muslim
    • Sikh
    • Buddhist
    • Hindu
    • Animist
    • Humanist
    • Pagan (including witchcraft)
    • Agnostic / atheist / no religion
  • Sexual Orientation Focus

    • People of all sexual orientations
    • Heterosexual people
    • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people
  • Household

    • All households
    • Households with children
    • Households without children
    • Single person households
  • Gender Focus

    • All genders
    • Women
    • Men
    • Transgender people
  • Ethnic Focus

    • People from all ethnic groups
    • Members of ethnic groups (unspecified)
    • All White people (including White British, White Irish, and any other White background)
    • All Black or Black British people (including Caribbean, African and any other Black background)
    • All Asian or Asian British people (including Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other Asian background)
    • All Mixed people (including White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian and any other Mixed background)
    • All Chinese and other ethnic groups (including Chinese and any other ethinic group)
    • Members of ethnic groups (specified)

Organisation last updated: Thu, 19th September 2019

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