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ACTOV is a Community Interest Company committed to delivering projects that will support people of all ages across all communities with a focus on deprived communities.

The Parent Support Hub, a project of ACTOV Change CIC, has been piloting support for parents of children who have been excluded from mainstream school due to EBD (emotional, behavioural difficulties).
We have discovered that most schools still have a long way to go in really teaming up with the parent to start creating some consistency in how the child's behaviour is managed between school and home. In order to improve, all children need this consistency.

However our focus revolves around the fact that most bad behaviour is due to low emotional intelligence. We're currently working with The Gottman Institute in the USA who are world leaders in developmental psychology and who have been carrying out research on how to nurture emotional intelligence in our children for 40 years.

With their help, we have designed training sessions for parents and school staff that have proven results for the child, the parent and the school.

Address details

116 Buffery Road
Postal Town

Organisation Contact Details

07792 384 802

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Rohail Aslam
Managing Director / CEO


  • Advocacy
  • Arts, culture, sport and recreation
  • Cohesion and civic participation
  • Economic, social and community development
  • Education and research
  • Employment and training
  • Equalities
  • Religion
  • Social services
  • Voluntary and community organisations

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People who have mental health problems
    • People who are socially excluded/isolated/lonely
    • People who are unemployed
    • People who are homeless/in housing need
    • People who are at risk or vulnerable
    • People who are leaving care/long-stay institutions (excluding prisons)
    • People who are offenders/ex-offenders
    • People who are asylum seekers/refugees
    • People who have substance abuse/addiction problems (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc)
    • People who are Travellers
    • People who are victims/survivors of physical/sexual/emotional violence
    • People who are students
    • People who are carers
    • Other
  • Specific Faith Focus

    • People from all faiths / multi-faith / inter-faith people
    • Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominations)
    • Muslim
    • Jewish
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Sikh
    • Animist
    • Pagan (including witchcraft)
    • Humanist
    • Agnostic / atheist / no religion
  • Sexual Orientation Focus

    • People of all sexual orientations
    • Heterosexual people
    • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people
  • Household

    • All households
    • Single person households
    • Households without children
    • Households with children
  • Gender Focus

    • All genders
    • Women
    • Transgender people
    • Men
  • Ethnic Focus

    • People from all ethnic groups
    • Members of ethnic groups (unspecified)
    • All White people (including White British, White Irish, and any other White background)
    • All Black or Black British people (including Caribbean, African and any other Black background)
    • All Mixed people (including White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian and any other Mixed background)
    • All Asian or Asian British people (including Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other Asian background)
    • Members of ethnic groups (specified)
    • All Chinese and other ethnic groups (including Chinese and any other ethinic group)
  • Age Focus

    • People of all ages
    • Children under 5 years
    • Children aged 5-11 years
    • Young people aged 12-16 years
    • Young people aged 17-18 years
    • Young adults aged 19-25 years
    • Adults aged 26-64 years
    • Older people aged 65 years and over

Organisation last updated: Fri, 7th October 2016

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