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14th West Bromwich Rainbows

Meet at Charlemont Methodist Church, Charlemont Road, West Bromwich on Wednesday 5.30 pm until 6.30 pm
For ages 5 - 7 years. Guider Miss Lisa Whitehouse

Address details

c/o Charlemont Methodist Church Charlemont Road
Postal Town
West Bromwich
B71 3DU

Organisation Contact Details

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Karen Belcher
Division Commissioner


  • Arts, culture, sport and recreation

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People of all specific circumstances
  • Specific Faith Focus

    • People from all faiths / multi-faith / inter-faith people
  • Household

    • Households with children
  • Gender Focus

    • Women
  • Ethnic Focus

    • People from all ethnic groups
  • Age Focus

    • Children aged 5-11 years
    • Young people aged 12-16 years
    • Young people aged 17-18 years

Organisation last updated: Wed, 28th June 2017

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