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Search results for Cradley Heath and Old Hill


Items 381–390 of 392 | « previous | 1 231 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | next »

  • West Midlands Historic Buildings Trust

    We are a Building Preservation Trust (BPT) dedicated towards the conservation of historic buildings in the West Midlands which are considered at risk. We act as a rolling fund - we purchase a historic building, identify a new viable long-term use for it , repair it and adapt it, and sell it on to a new user, investing the proceeds in the next project. Membership of the West Midlands Historic Buildings Trust is open to all - anyone can get involved, either as an active volunteer,or simply to take part in our events which are aimed at educating the public / raising awareness of local conservation issues and projects. Our main area of operation is the Black Country, but we will consider any building within the West Midlands County or adjacent areas that may benefit from our help.

  • West Midlands Lupus Goup

    West Midlands Lupus Group exists to help all those who have Lupus and its allied illnesses. Advice and information on all aspects of Lupus available. Open meetings are held with medical speakers. A monthly Drop-In Clinic is held at Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley. Monthly get-togethers are held in various areas. Social/fund raising events are held throughout the year. Membership (£10 per year, £15 for 2 persons at same address) includes 3 copies per year of the national LUPUS UK magazine and 3 copies per year of the West Midlands newsletter. Website regularly updated

  • West Smethwick Enterprise

    West Smethwick Enterprise Family Centre provides a wide variety of fun and valuable learning experiences targeted at families in the local community. The Family Centre currently have four pre-schools. • Stepping Stones and Two Steps are Outstanding • Little Steppers is Good with elements of Outstanding • Tiny Steps has been rated Good. The cost per session is £8 for half a day, or £18 for a full day including lunch. Stepping Stones pre-school has a holiday club, available all year around, except for two weeks at Christmas. The holiday club is for children aged 2-8 and offers a wide variety of activities and outings to suit the needs of the children. West Smethwick Family Centre have a family support team helping families with a parenting course, stay and play sessions, finances and many other services. Stay and Play sessions are ran on Tuesday and Fridays 10 - 00 am to 11.30 pm at Stepping Stones Pre-School. The office is open from 8 am – 5 pm. The nurseries are open from 8.30 am to 3.00 pm.

  • Westminster & Local Learners (WALL)

    A voluntary organisation and registered charity

  • Whitehall Road Allotments Association

    Whitehall Road Allotments has 32 plots. 3 are unable to be used due to flooding (they hope to convert these to raised beds). We have a committee of 7 who deal with the day to day running of the site and attempt to raise funds.

  • Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country

    Founded in 1980 as the Urban Wildlife Group, in 1982 we became the first urban Wildlife Trust, one of 47 covering the whole UK, we have been working to make Birmingham and the Black Country a better place for wildlife and people. The Wildlife Trust is leading the way in adapting to climate change in urban areas, doing practical things now that will be able to enjoy a wildlife rich, healthy environment into the future.

  • Withymoor Colts Football Club

    Football Club providing for the community 350 boys including men\'s team 100 girls including ladies team Aged 7 - 50 year olds, 30 teams FA Charter Standard Community Club

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Woden Road South Allotments Association

    Woden Road South Allotment Association has 54 plots. The committee is a group of 8 plot holders who deal with the day to day running of the site. The association provides local people with growing space for fruits, vegetables and flowers. We have a diverse community of male and female, old and young, from many cultures and countries. Woden Road South Allotment Association is building a friendly modern community within a safe environment for the enjoyment of plot holders, friends and family. Open days are planned for the wider community. Health benefits of allotment gardening are many, it provides physical exercise and promotes mental health and wellbeing.

  • Wolverhampton Rhinos

    Supporting adults and children with a physical disability and upper limb disability. Meetings weekly.

  • Yamurai - Change a Life


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