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Search results for Cradley Heath and Old Hill


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  • African French Speaking Community Support (AFSCS)

    AFSCS is a front line voluntary organisation which principally operates in the Soho/Victoria area of Smethwick. Its beneficiaries are mainly from French speaking countries of Africa living in Sandwell and Birmingham. It provides a comprehensive range of advice and information on a wide range of issues such as applying for citizenship; benefit checks and money matters, housing matters; immigration matters; anti-social behaviour, Job search, reducing social isolation and Befriending.

  • Bangladeshi Women's Association Ltd

    We provide an advice and advocacy service to the local community with workers who speak local languages. We also provide training for people to enhance skills and job opportunities. We organise activities and outings for families and undertake environmental projects to improve the area.

  • Big Dave CIC

    Dave Gauder has been delivering campaigns for many organisations both in the Public and Private sectors including working with 32 Police Authorities and The Prison & Probation Service. Dave is currently working on delivery his Anti Gun, Gang & Knife campaign to help to engage with the youth of today. With Dave's unique style he is able with interactive participation using various approaches to engage with the children and adults that deliver hard hitting messages that are easily understood and resonates with them.

  • BlackCountry African Club UK (BlacUK)

    We promote community integration and empower all Africans in the Black Country regions to be part of mainstream society and play active roles in the local communities where they live. We support our beneficiaries in releasing their full potential skills and live active, fulfilling and healthy lives.

  • Centre for Equality & Diversity

    To be a leading agency in changing attitudes, challenging inequalities, influencing policy and building partnerships to bring about a fairer society. Our vision is of communities where all people are recognised as having a valid contribution to make towards the creation of a fairer society. Our Strategic Opjectives are:- 1. To build the skills and capacity of communities of interest, empowering them to actively engage in decision making processes and develop confidence in supporting their own communities. 2. To develop partnerships which span sectors to improve services to communities of interest. 3. To work towards the creation of a one stop shop for equality, diversity and human rights, where the organisation can be a hub for centres of excellence in all that we do. 4. To develop and maintain a robust infrastructure, enabling us to achieve our mission and create a stable financial base.

  • Centrepoint Christian Church & Support Centre

    Projects and Programmes include: Information, Advice and Guidance, Welfare Rights, Community Outreach Project, Skills and Employment, Street Outreach Team, Performing Arts Department, Education & Training, Young People Services, Schools Work, Health and Wellbeing, Volunteering, Immigration and Nationality, Community Services and Development Initiatives. The Opening Times are: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - 10 am to 4 pm Wednesday - 10 am to 1 pm Friday - closed Saturday - closed Sunday - Celebration Service at 10.45 am

  • Friar Park Millennium Centre

    Friar Park Community Centre provides activities for young people such as youth club,sports activities and dance. There are leisure facilities for retired/vulnerable people, along with dancing, bingo clubs, etc. There is venue hire (function hall, meeting rooms, soft play room etc.) and catering is available as part of room hire, if required. The community centre is generally open from 9 am to 8.30 pm.

  • Friends of Black Patch Park

    We are committed to the retention in perpetuity of the whole of Black Patch Park and to the improvement of the park for the benefit of all local people. To this end we have been working with Sandwell MBC and other parties to ensure that the park meets the needs of the local and wider community. The Friends meet about once every 6 weeks and all who are interested are welcome to attend. Our Patron is Darren Moore, former West Bromwich Albion football player. Since the formation of the Friends we have successfully campaigned to retain the entire area of the park as open space in Sandwell's Unitary Development Plan and the Smethwick Area Action Plan; held community events in the park including annual Spring Clean events; created an exhibition about the park (currently at Soho House Museum); and worked with local historian and author Ted Rudge to celebrate the Romany heritage of the park at regular annual events. Further information about the campaign to save the park, the Romany heritage, and the areas industrial history can be found on Ted Rudge's website

  • Hidden Talents Partnership Enterprise

    Community regeneration organisation harnessing the power of people and the community sector in the sustainable regeneration of deprived communities and neighbourhoods.

  • Just Call 4 Care Services

    Not for profit domicilary care agency.


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