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Search results for Cradley Heath and Old Hill


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  • RSPB Sandwell Valley

    RSPB Sandwell Valley nature reserve is a wonderful urban green space in the heart of Birmingham and the Black Country. The reserve is managed to provide a home for a variety of wildlife, from nesting birds to fluttering butterflies, and to give people the opportunity to connect to nature. The visitor centre has lovely views over the valley, and there are a variety of trails to take visitors past colourful meadows, lush woodland and the peaceful lake. The reserve team hold a regular programme of event for adults and families. RSPB Sandwell Valley is part of the RSPB, the country’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home.

  • Salvation Advice and Guidance into Work CIC

    Salvation Advice and Guidance into work is a community interest company which specialises in providing a broad range of advice and guidance in relation to improving your skills and enchaning your professional future. We provide community work related support services to help individuals back into sustained employment through a combination of in work support, Skills development, Real work experience, Vacancies matching Services, intensive job search support. We work with a range of individuals from school leavers to the long term unemployed. We strive to ensure that customers benefits from our services, which is why we are always looking for partners who share the same values and goals. Our aims are to provide individual clients on this programme of work with a satisfactory customer service that meet and exceed customers expectations.

  • Salvation Army Cradley Heath

    Place of worship and community centre.

  • Sandwell African Caribbean Development Agency (S.A.C.D.A)

    The main areas of activity are: Enterprise Training & Support Training - ESOL, Basic Computer Training Community Radio Broadcast linked to the provision of training in radio presenters course. Free on site creche facilities to enable clients to access training and employment opportunities at SACDA

    This organisation is dormant.

  • Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation (Kuumba Foundation)

    Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation (SACMHF) The organisation is designed to cater for the needs of African Caribbean adults experiencing and / or recovering from mental ill health.

  • Sandwell African Women Association (SAWA)

    SAWA was set up to provide advice, support and training to disadvantaged African Women refugees and children from Sandwell. The group has four main programmes: Advice and Support, Community Development, Health Advocacy and Refugees and Migrants Forum.

  • Sandwell Community Information and Participation Service (SCIPS)

    SCIPS provide support, information, training and advocacy to tenants, residents and community groups in Sandwell.

  • Sandwell Cricket League

    We have been established to provide parks cricket to inner city deprived areas. We have 20 teams playing in a 3 tier division format. This league has recently taken the responsibility of providing of people of all ages a platform to play competitive cricket. Our aim and we have been sucessful in achieving this, is to improve health, reduce or eliminate anti-social behaviour, eradicate drug abuse, improve standards of living.

  • Sandwell Irish Community Association

    We have now opened the resource centre in Langley High Street and will be providing varying services to the community including chiropody, gaelic language lesson, benefit entitlement advice, raising health awareness and health promotion

  • Sandwell Irish Society

    Sandwell Irish Society is a registered charity that works to achieve a vibrant Irish community in Sandwell and the surrounding area, one that is engaged and empowered to play an active role in society by ensuring that people have the chance to contribute their views, articulate their needs and have an impact on policy and practice. It aims to achieve this by improving the confidence, health awareness and image of the community and by ensuring that the contribution of people of Irish birth and descent, over many years, to the economic, social, cultural and historic richness of the area is recognized and acknowledged. It works with statutory and voluntary organisations to develop activities and services in response to needs identified. It organises social, cultural, information and health events which inform people, combat isolation and engage the community.


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