Sandwell VCS Directory

Welcome to the most comprehensive directory of Sandwell's Voluntary and Community Sector, provided by SCVO, the Sector's local infrastructure support agency. This search engine offers a free and public signpost to many local organisations and the services they offer.

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Creative Support

Creative Support is a high quality provider of person centred social care services for people with learning disabilities, mental health and other needs.
To support our service users we provide a range of services to meet their differing needs, including supported living, supported housing, residential care, community and home support, floating support, extra-care and day services. We work with people who have a wide spectrum of needs, ranging from those who require short term support to regain their independence to people with complex needs who require intensive support to enjoy a good quality of life.
Creative Support also develops and manages high quality housing to provide supported accommodation. As well as owning and managing our own houses and flats, we manage many properties belonging to our partner housing associations.
As a not for profit agency (Industrial and Provident Society with Charitable Status) we are committed to using our assets and resources to create opportunities for the people we support.
All our services are individualised, person centred and deliver valued outcomes, as we passionately believe that our service users have the right to live lives that are meaningful and which enable them to reach their full potential as individuals. Our services for people with a learning disability are based on person centred approaches and ordinary life principles, whilst our mental health services promote recovery and social inclusion.
Over the years we have built up an excellent reputation for working in partnership to provide quality services. We now offer a diverse range of highly regarded services in 43 local authorities. We are very proud of our services, staff and service users and on this website you can find out more about them.

Address details

64 Water Street
Postal Town
B3 1HN

Organisation Contact Details

0121 426 1666
Charity Commission registration number

Contact Person Details

Contact Name
Jon Keane
Senior Operations Manager
0121 426 1666


  • Accommodation and housing
  • Voluntary and community organisations

Main Beneficiaries

Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.

  • Specific Need or Circumstance

    • People who have physical disabilities (excluding sensory disabilities)
    • People who have mental health problems
    • People who are socially excluded/isolated/lonely
    • People who are at risk or vulnerable
    • People who are leaving care/long-stay institutions (excluding prisons)

Organisation last updated: Fri, 16th November 2018

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